Video – Basuki Menerima Country Director World Bank


Ahok.Org – Wakil Gubernur Provinsi DKI Jakarta Basuki T. Purnama, Selasa (4/6) menerima Mr. Stefan Koeberle (Country Director, Indonesia – The World Bank) dalam rangka membahas solusi terkait pelaksanaan The Jakarta Flood Mitigation Project (JUFMP/JEDI).


  1. I think I get what Mr.Basuki means: a lot of job available at Jkt, but we ve nt enough skill workers, That’s means good job for the Right man power. In this situation we need trainers, training them to Perfectly suit able for all the position available, and Certified, they are ready to fill in tru’ the pos that needed by the job availablelity. So it would make a (sense) balance. ” Apa yg di mksd Pak Basuki, ada bnyk lowongan kerja di Jkt, tp tdk ckp ter Latih dgn posisi skrg. Jadi diperlukan pelatih utk melatih pekerjaan utk menyiapkan pekerja/ cara terpakai di semua bidang pekerjaan yg tersedia utk masyarakat, menurut skill (keahlian bidang) kerja yg di jadikan Tenaga Ahli dan setara dgn pekerjaan yg dibutuhkan.”

  2. that true like what they said how they will use the people as a worker if they do not now what to do so we need to give them training and build up their professionalism that still the week point in our country i wish JB can be success and show to our people country can be change with correct leader go JB


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