ngomong-ngomong tentang tata ruang… kenapa di kota-kota Jerman, (Berlin…Frankfurt,dll), atau di New York trotoarnya bagus??? karena kalau rusak… pemilik propertinya DIDENDA…trotoar menjadi tanggung jawab pemilik properti…
“Under Section 19-152 of New York’s Administrative Code, property owners are responsible for installing, repairing and maintaining sidewalks adjoining their properties. DOT staff inspect sidewalks and notify the property owner of needed repairs. In the event timely repairs are not made by the property owner, the City may hire private construction firms to make the repairs. When this happens, the City bills the property owner for the costs of the repairs. Property owners must also keep their sidewalks clean and are responsible for snow removal.”
sebentar lagi proyek MRT/LRT diproyeksikan selesai (jadwal sesuai Asian Games 2018), land owner di area MRT otomatis nilai jualnya akan bertambah karena ada fasilitas ini, kerjasama yang memungkinkan dengan developer, big mall, etc… adalah membuat trotar yang bagus DAN maintenance…karena sidewalk akan lebih banyak dipakai SETELAH MRT selesai…
ngomong-ngomong tentang tata ruang… kenapa di kota-kota Jerman, (Berlin…Frankfurt,dll), atau di New York trotoarnya bagus??? karena kalau rusak… pemilik propertinya DIDENDA…trotoar menjadi tanggung jawab pemilik properti…
“Under Section 19-152 of New York’s Administrative Code, property owners are responsible for installing, repairing and maintaining sidewalks adjoining their properties. DOT staff inspect sidewalks and notify the property owner of needed repairs. In the event timely repairs are not made by the property owner, the City may hire private construction firms to make the repairs. When this happens, the City bills the property owner for the costs of the repairs. Property owners must also keep their sidewalks clean and are responsible for snow removal.”
sebentar lagi proyek MRT/LRT diproyeksikan selesai (jadwal sesuai Asian Games 2018), land owner di area MRT otomatis nilai jualnya akan bertambah karena ada fasilitas ini, kerjasama yang memungkinkan dengan developer, big mall, etc… adalah membuat trotar yang bagus DAN maintenance…karena sidewalk akan lebih banyak dipakai SETELAH MRT selesai…