Wawancara Informal, Senin (2/5)


Ahok – Wawancara informal Gubernur DKI Jakarta Basuki T. Purnama dengan wartawan Balai Kota, Senin (2/5).




  1. di US…masalah security Huawei jadi kasus: (searchsecurity.techtarget.com/feature/The-Huawei-security-risk-Factors-to-consider-before-buying-Chinese-IT)

  2. yang di Spanyol pakai HP HAVEn (Hadoop, Autonomy, Vertica, Enterprise Security)…IT head nya mengerti kenapa pakai sistem itu —> big data…it goes beyond basic SQL…HP IDOL is good for search and managing big data…you have a target for 7000 cctv, how to analyze that?

  3. Use Cases:
    1. Broadcast Intelligence: Automatically monitor, analyze, and index live broadcast feeds in real time from digital sources, satellite and cable television, radio, and the Internet.
    2. Call Center Efficiency: Analyze large volumes of voice calls in real time.
    3. Surveillance: Automatically monitor 1000’s of CCTV cameras in real time or retrospectively, tag the video, send alerts, review and distribute it as required.
    4. Media Archive and Search: Index and analyze huge volumes of video and audio files.
    5. Safe City: Elevate the level of public security and society’s well-being by optimally leveraging video surveillance, social media, sensors, databases, etc.

  4. sistem HP Autonomy bisa analisa RIBUAN cctv video…realtime, otomatis. buat alert, notifikasi. video analytics bisa memangkas jumlah operator untuk awasi cctv.


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