BERITABALAI KOTANEWSMultimediaVideo & Audio Video – Jokowi Workshop CSR Terkait Perbaikan Kampung Kumuh By sak - 17 December, 2012 1 122 FacebookTwitterPinterestWhatsApp Ahok.Org – Berikut video kegiatan Gubernur DKI Jakarta, Joko Widodo di acara Workshop Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) dalam kegiatan perbaikan kampung permukiman kumuh atau program MHT Plus di Balai Agung, Senin (17/12).
the cute’s thing his fountain-pen and opening ceremony by hit the mic, 1…2…3… he gives more than we think & good sense of humor with reporters Reply
the cute’s thing his fountain-pen and opening ceremony by hit the mic, 1…2…3…
he gives more than we think & good sense of humor with reporters