Video – Wagub Menerima Pemaparan AusAID


Ahok.Org – Wakil Gubernur DKI Jakarta Basuki T. Purnama, Senin (210/5) menerima pemaparan AusAID – Indonesia Infrastructure Initative terkait progres Transjakarta.



  1. Heran kok sambil menerima tamu asing Pak Ahok bisa sibuk dengan HP-nya. Apa tidak menimbulkan kesan kurang menghormati tamu ? Apa terima call dari luar apa mencatat pembicaraan ? Jangan memberi kesan ini budaya Indonesia. Saya sangat menghormati Bp. Ahok.Semoga pengamatan saya salah.

    • Saya sependapat dengan @willy, walaupun mungkin yang dilakukan dengan HPnya ada relevansinya dengan tamu-2, biasanya beliau menghubungi pihak-2 terkait di jajarannya baik untuk menindak lanjuti atau mendapatkan informasi, itu yang sering saya amati. Sebaiknya sih mohon ijin kepada tamunya untuk menjawab/mengirim pesan di HPnya.

    • Betul. saya sndiri yg nonton rasanya jd tdk nyaman melihat pak Wagub ketik2 hp saat tamunya sdg bicara sesuatu penting kpdnya. tentu perasaan si tamu jg tdk nyaman krna mrasa amat sgt mengganggu beliau atw mrasa tdk penting. mungkin hal spt ini boleh jd perhatian pak Wagub.

    • Sepertinya pengamatan Anda salah, beliau sedang mencatat hal-hal penting diskusi di hp nya, karena sering sekali dalam acara seminar/ rapat beliau megang hpnya utk mencatat hal penting tanpa tergantung notulen.

      • Pak BTP ‘sibuk’ dengan hpnya bukan untuk BBM :D, beliau dari dahulu suka mencatat semua hal yg dianggap penting di hpnya

      • yanti;km benar pak ahok tdk pernah menulis di kertas,mknya dia tulis di bb,jadi jgn berprasangka buruk dong & beliau tdk pernah pakai notulen,jadi jgn di kirain pak ahok lagi BBM

  2. There are facts that are right:
    1. One lane for the busway, adding more buses won’t solve the issues that passengers are facing. Imagine a bottleneck problems. Only so many buses that can go through on a certain amount of time. No matter how much water passing, it has a limited number of bus that can go through, one at a time.
    However, the solutions recommended may not be feasible in the short term even in 5 years period. Creating a new lane for the busway along the busway routes are not as efficient (in terms of costs) as it is explained. My personal thought is that the expert group of people have to identify the critical bottleneck areas and create more lanes only the affected routes.

    2. Expanding the stops and have the buses enlarge to enable them to carry more passengers. Even making three lanes in the busway stops area.
    Although i don’t know the exact proposal or design build of the group from AUSAID, from what i heard, they may be only interested in having the extra two lanes as passing lanes. My personal opinion is that not only using the extra lanes as passing lanes but also utilizing one other lane as a second stop and the last third lane as passing lane. Not only it will speed up the passengers and reduce crowds at the bus stops but it will also reduce under-utilized lanes. Again, further research needs to be done before making all stops a three-lane areas. It will be a financial strain in the long run for stops that are not as crowded as others. As we know, population, in this case, passengers are not evenly spread out in all city bus stops.

    Those are the two main points i can suggest for the PEMDA DKI. Hopefully it is useful as a thought. I only watch the first 15 minutes of the youtube video, so i apologize if my assessment is very limited at this point. GO Jakarta!


  3. Part 2:
    A general idea regarding controlling the TransJakarta issue (may be applied to other bid-required projects):
    1. The need of a standardized contracts documents for all projects involving the DKI governments projects (general requirements, policies, etc.)
    2. Depending on the scopes of works and specific project requirements, there have to be a standardized requirements in the contract which have to formulated by the experts in the field.
    3. There has to be a contract team which has the sole responsibilities of sorting out and reviewing all contracts coming in. Comprising of various experts to cover many different projects, this team has to report directly to Deputy Governor as the direct supervisor.



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