Video Rapat Kebijakan Kantong Plastik Berbayar


Ahok – 23 Februari 2016 Gubernur Provinsi DKI Jakarta Basuki T. Purnama Rapat terkait rencana kerjasama dengan para pelaku usaha ritel modern dan kebijakan tentang Kantong Plastik Berbayar di Provinsi DKI Jakarta di Ruang Rapat TPUT.



  1. it’s better not in the near time. why? “economic storm” is coming. why would you make a policy to slow down the economy? it’s better to get incenerator and recycle program done before executing this program.

  2. priority should be on ‘homeland security’, remember 1998? it is important to execute cctv and softwares done for the ‘law enforcement’…you will be glad if the system ready before the chaos happened.

  3. it doesn’t mean the program is bad, BUT timing sir…it’s better not to put more burden to retailers at this moment, wait until the upcoming ‘storm’ came and calm down…


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